• April 24, 2020
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Security Services in Irvine

At the start of your security services, it can be difficult to know what to expect and how best to work with your team. If you are having CCTV monitors installed, it’s exciting. However, it’s also important to use this technology to your advantage and to make sure that you are making good use of it. When used well, your CCTV monitors can give your security a significant boost. Here are some simple ideas for using your monitors to their best advantage and supporting your security team:

 Get Them Positioned Well 

When you first get your monitors from one of the security guard companies in Orange County, ask about how your monitors can get the maximum visibility possible for the area they are positioned in. A properly positioned CCTV monitor can dramatically increase your visibility of the area. An improperly positioned CCTV will still give you visibility, but your picture of the area may be limited or obstructed. And, of course, removing any obstacles that you can from the camera’s area can ensure that you get better visibility as well. 

 Check in Periodically 

For your camera to work properly, it’s helpful if you check in on it. When Newport Beach security guards services provide you with CCTV monitors, they are not always able to check on how your camera is working. It is a great help to your security team if you check that the camera is functioning as it should be from time to time. If you are able to reach the camera, dust off any spider webs or debris that may get on the camera. And, of course, do a quick check to make sure that the video feed is coming in clearly too.

 Communicate Problems to Your Security Guards 

One of the best ways that you can be of help to your security team is to communicate with them as soon as you see something suspicious or concerning on your CCTV monitors. If your camera caught something that bothers you, let your security team know. Be sure to include as much detail as you possibly can (such as the date, time and location of the camera) about what you observed. This information helps your security team to help you. By incorporating these tips, you ensure that you’ll get the best use from your CCTV monitors.

Check out – security guard companies in anaheim and Security guard services in San Diego

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